We know what you’re thinking: wintertime is a time for pressing “pause”; a sort of hibernation, of sorts. However, this slower time of year may be more beneficial for the establishment of a franchise in the following ways:
Easier Adjustment: Soft launching during the winter season can help you work out the bugs in the system, work with fewer clients, and help you and your staff get a better understanding of how the franchise is supposed to work.
Understand Your Franchise’s Potential: Beginning your franchise during this slower season will also allow you more time to learn the business, your market, and ways to maximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
Easier Schedule Transition: If you are already working a full-time job somewhere else, opening a franchise during the winter can allow you to transition to the franchise life with fewer headaches.
Gain a Competitive Edge: Opening a franchise during the winter can help you to ensure that you are ahead of your competitors. Start your business earlier than most and settle into the competitive landscape before they even think about joining the race.
There’s no better time to open a franchise than now! If you’re interested in seeing if a Cherry Blow Dry Bar franchise is right for you, Contact Us and a representative will be in touch. If you’d like to see the minimum requirements and have other questions answered before speaking with a representative, visit our FAQ page first.